Material and Demo – SQL Saturday 1016 – SP

Material and Demo – SQL Saturday 1016 – SP

Tempo de leitura: < 1 minutos

Hey et all,

The last Saturday I had the opportunity to deliver an Azure SQL DB presentation to the SQL tech community where I talked about how provisioning and scaling up your SQL database workload automatically. If you want to download the .ppt file and scripts were used I shared them in one drive

One Drive!AvHvRNLILFGPi8hHLbQBAX98zuMW5w?e=8WL8Md

If you want to learn more about Azure SQL Database I created two courses in Power Tunning platform courses, one of them is totally free and either is in the Portuguese language

Azure SQL Database | Módulo 01:Conceitos básicos para iniciar essa jornada na Nuvem

Azure SQL Database | Módulo 02: Administrando o Azure SQL Database

Thanks and Regards


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