Mês: outubro 2020

Arquivos – SQL Sat 935 (Salvador) e 972 (Belo Horizonte)

Tempo de leitura: < 1 minutos Pessoal, No sábado dia 17/10 e 24/10 eu tive a honra de participar de dois eventos do SQL Saturday para a comunidade técnica, sendo o SQL Sat Salvador e o SQL Sat Belo Horizonte respectivamente. No SQL Sat 935(Salvador ) eu falei de como provisionar e criar uma rotina para escalar o seu azure sql…
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Troubleshooting – Using relog to append .blg files

Tempo de leitura: 4 minutos Hi et all, It’s me again, today we are going to talk about how to use a relog command line in a professional way. Why am I doing this blog post?  Because I needed to analyze a couple of .blg files to figure out a root cause of a customer issue on my daily basis…
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How to add a disk and file share in Azure with powershell commands

Tempo de leitura: 4 minutos Hi lads, This blog post will teach you how you should do to add a new virtual managed disk to your VM and how to create a file share that is going to be used to transfer SQL server backups from on-prem to the Azure. By continuing our last post, let’s assume after you have…
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